Language: Program Magazynowy - Wersja angielska Program Magazynowy - Wersja polska

Examples of screenshots

Huge emphasis in the program is put on being able to quickly find information about items on stock, documents or accounts. To find an item, all you need is a fragment or several fragments of its name.

Program Magazynowy

Intuitive and simple interface is one of he aims which has been reached by the program. The program changes the appearance of the windows depending on the chosen settings. If you need to enter only stock levels without prices and accounts, change the settings and the window for entering new items on stock becomes simplified, without unnecessary fields regarding prices or suppliers:

Program Magazynowy

Below is an example of a warehouse issue window with account support and sale prices as a margin on the item purchase price:

Program Magazynowy

It is very easy to configure operations in a network. Simply go to network settings and change the mode to "This computer is a server", and choose the "This computer is a client" option on the other computers connected by the local network.

Program Magazynowy

The Warehouse Management Program makes it possible to quickly check the stock levels as at a given day and hour:

Program Magazynowy